Johanne Kourie
Fine Art Artist
Born in Montreal (Quebec), Johanne Kourie transports us into a world oscillating between the reality and the imagination, her world.
Tales and stories have rocked her childhood and the childhood of her four children. As a little girl, her favorite sentence was: ‘’Once upon a time ...’’. Peter Pan remains, still, her hero.
With a degree in administration (Marketing), she started her business in the fashion retail industry, having the privilege to showcase Quebec jewelry creators in her fashion retail store (Boutique Parure) .
Self-taught painter, she has explored several media. Oil and acrylic remain her two favorite media.
The Quebecois and Canadian landscapes serve as background to her works.
Warm and bright colors, vitality, brightness and movement describe her works impregnated with a bit of realism and a bit of naivety.
"One day, all my paintings will start with, once upon a time ..."
Start your journey and get transported into the emotions of her world!