George Sandidge
Visual Artist
Artist Statement
Most of my work is done in ink, ink wash or watercolor. Ink and watercolor were the media of my childhood, as they were readily available and not very expensive. I work on large 22x30 inch paper that I lay flat on a wall. Using reference photos that I personally shoot.
I then glaze multiple layers of watercolor or ink to achieve a desired look. I quickly became enchanted with the richness and possibility of ink washes and watercolor.
The particulars of accidental and planned disorder that are possible when you paint wet into wet or wet into dry or apply ink with a fine brush intrigue me. There is also a finality when working with water-based media because you cannot erase, particularly with dark pigments.
You must think ahead because it becomes a process that requires a lot of faith and risk. Mistakes are not possible to cover up the way they are with oils and acrylics.
Because watercolor and ink are such unforgiving mediums, I occasionally introduce gouache in the later stages of a painting when I want a little more flexibility to revise.
My work tends to focus on the people and situations that get overlooked as we go about our daily routines. Homelessness, drugs, crime, and the night life of today's young people are common themes in my work.
Most of my work is done in ink, ink wash or watercolor. Ink and watercolor were the media of my childhood, as they were readily available and not very expensive. I work on large 22x30 inch paper that I lay flat on a wall. Using reference photos that I personally shoot.
I then glaze multiple layers of watercolor or ink to achieve a desired look. I quickly became enchanted with the richness and possibility of ink washes and watercolor.
The particulars of accidental and planned disorder that are possible when you paint wet into wet or wet into dry or apply ink with a fine brush intrigue me. There is also a finality when working with water-based media because you cannot erase, particularly with dark pigments.
You must think ahead because it becomes a process that requires a lot of faith and risk. Mistakes are not possible to cover up the way they are with oils and acrylics.
Because watercolor and ink are such unforgiving mediums, I occasionally introduce gouache in the later stages of a painting when I want a little more flexibility to revise.
My work tends to focus on the people and situations that get overlooked as we go about our daily routines. Homelessness, drugs, crime, and the night life of today's young people are common themes in my work.